Perform at Amica Retirement Home
on November 4th
The Oakville Oriental Art Club organized volunteers to perform at the Amica Retirement Home in Oakville in the afternoon of November 4th. This was a showcase of traditional Chinese music, dance, Tai Chi, and Tai Chi sword dance. We took this opportunity to share our Chinese tradition in respecting elderlies and to show our appreciation for the contribution that elderlies have made to Canadian society.

Performing at Amica - Unforgettable experience
(by Jane Zhong) On November 4th, our club performed an hour at Amica retirement home as our service project. The programs were well organized and our performance was brilliant! As a M.C., I represented our club interacting with our audience. What impressed me most was their warm welcoming and applauds. After the performance, the audience was reluctant to leave. In stead, of their own accord, they all came to me and held my hands to express their appreciation. Someone told me “I like your performance, each program was spectacular. Hope to see you again soon”; some said “today is my best day, you made it”; some said “it was my first time to taste Chinese culture, so beautiful”; some said “your program was amazing and your costumes are gorgeous”; some said “I like you guys, please come back”… Especially this deaf lady who handed me her handwriting “Thanks for a great performance, come back again”, then gave me a huge bear hug. I hugged her back with tearing eyes, no word could express my feeling at the moment. What we can do is to practice harder and bring more colorful performance to enrich their life.